Pain is such an interesting thing. There in the darkness waiting to grab you the moment you start to fe
el happiness. One must remind oneself that it's only an illusion that we allow ourselves to believe for a brief instant. It's waiting, to snatch it from you just as you think it's in your grasp. It makes one feel like a jackass chasing a carrot.
Even if my time on this world were through, I could go knowing that I knew what it was to be truly happy, even for a brief instant. That's something not everyone can say.
I've been to the absolute depths of my own emotions. I've run the entire spectrum, from happy, to sad, to enraged, and came back from the brink of sheer madness. It's really quite an accomplishment, but not a source of pride.
Why is it that what I so effortlessly seek illudes me so? Perhaps I've been looking in the wrong places all along. Yet, to be burned the way I've been, is so utterly cruel, and unthinkable, that it begs the question as to whether it's just the dark element of human nature, or whether it's something much more diabolical.
Truthfully, I may never know the answers I seek. That may very well be the reason for this life. But I refuse to suffer this madness any longer. I will persevere, I will gather myself, and I will further myself. Even if my own resilience damns me.
Even if I be damned, I be damned knowing that I tried. I may fail, but at least I tried. At least I pursued it At least I followed my dreams and ambitions and refused to let anything get in my way. Even now...
I may just yet begin to sleep again, begin to rest again, begin to feel again, but not for some time I fear. Even so, I will press on, and I will try, irrespective of how many times I fail.
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Even if my time on this world were through, I could go knowing that I knew what it was to be truly happy, even for a brief instant. That's something not everyone can say.
I've been to the absolute depths of my own emotions. I've run the entire spectrum, from happy, to sad, to enraged, and came back from the brink of sheer madness. It's really quite an accomplishment, but not a source of pride.
Why is it that what I so effortlessly seek illudes me so? Perhaps I've been looking in the wrong places all along. Yet, to be burned the way I've been, is so utterly cruel, and unthinkable, that it begs the question as to whether it's just the dark element of human nature, or whether it's something much more diabolical.
Truthfully, I may never know the answers I seek. That may very well be the reason for this life. But I refuse to suffer this madness any longer. I will persevere, I will gather myself, and I will further myself. Even if my own resilience damns me.
Even if I be damned, I be damned knowing that I tried. I may fail, but at least I tried. At least I pursued it At least I followed my dreams and ambitions and refused to let anything get in my way. Even now...
I may just yet begin to sleep again, begin to rest again, begin to feel again, but not for some time I fear. Even so, I will press on, and I will try, irrespective of how many times I fail.
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