Tuesday, October 5, 2021

How to lead people who are smarter than you

Steve Jobs, who was famous for his hiring and recruiting practices, believed a small team of A+ players could run circles around a giant team of B and C players. He was thoroughly convinced that the quality of the team was everything.

Many leaders are reluctant to hire as Jobs did. They settle for dependable but less stellar teams—in part because they feel threatened or intimidated at the prospect of leading someone smarter than they are.

Leading a team of exceptionally bright people does require skill, but as Jobs proved again and again, the payoff is well worth it. Here are some pointers for getting the most out of your own A+ employees:

Don't be intimidated. Leaders tend to think they need to have all the answers—and to be terrified when they don't. But your role as leader is not to know everything; it's to set the stage. That means working to sustain and support people who are more experienced, up to date and talented than you. It may feel disconcerting at first, but it will serve you well in the future. You do have to know enough to be conversant—so let your stars take center stage while you ask the questions, do the reading, learn and investigate.

Confront your fears. It's natural to feel fearful when you are leading people who are smarter than you. Whether you're afraid of being shown up, of looking unprepared and foolish, or even of being passed over for advancement while someone who was below you rises above, face your fears and work through them. Then remember that hiring the smartest people is ultimately an act of confidence and smart leadership.

Don't micromanage. I've seen this happen a lot: a leader feels insecure so they overcompensate for what they don't know by becoming a controlling micromanager. Remember, your role as leader is to allow the smart people to do what they do best. Support them but don't hover. Keep your actions empowering and maintain strong relationships with your team members by providing support and resources and then stepping aside.

Get educated. I believe it always helps to have a learner's inquisitive mindset. If you consider yourself a student rather than an authority figure, you can more easily share your concerns and ask others to include you in discussions that will help you learn. Let those around you know you want to learn from them and be deliberate about creating opportunities to make it happen. You don't have to try and become an expert, but gain insight into what your people do and it will give you the acumen you need to keep up with those around you.

Stay vulnerable. If you hear that people are questioning your leadership capabilities, be transparent with what you've heard, and what you think, and what you plan on doing about it. Don't go in trying to safeguard your ego. Instead, approach the situation with a mix of vulnerability and strength, and figure out how you are going to work together and support each other.

Seek good counsel. Find someone who can listen to and advise you. It may be a peer, a coach, or a mentor. Speak to them candidly, share your concerns, ask for help. Sitting with fearful or anxious feelings often makes things worse, but seeking counsel might help ease your emotional load.

Add value. As a leader, your role is best served when you are able to bring people together and be there for them in ways no one else can. The best leaders don't always coach, but they do consistently add value by providing support and resources to their team.

Lead from within. You don't always have to be the smartest person in the room—you just have to have that person on your team, give them the support they need, and get out of their way.

Source lollydaskal.com

Friday, February 26, 2021

As a software engineer, what should be my plan after 40s when I am too expensive for any company

The ugly reality is that you are "unwanted" after 40s. Your income is way above the US National median income. You are sitting over a time bomb. Your organization just tolerates you somehow. You are an expensive overhead for them specially if you haven't kept pace with the latest technology landscape of AI, data science, cloud computing, block chain, machine learning and big data. Worst part is even if you agree to work for less they won't hire you; they want to maintain the median age & HR pyramid.

In a nutshell you are a waste, a useless tissue paper after the 40s, chances are that in your personal life also you are not doing that great, you are either going through a severe mid life crisis fantasizing or repenting about your youth or you are going through a divorce. You are going downhill, craving for opposite sex attention. You are constantly bogged down by your slightly younger friends who are posting their pictures with exotic locales on facebook and their superb professional achievements on LinkedIn. You think about quitting all the social media channels. Its robbing you off your mental peace.

Unless you bring a strong value proposition to the table; a turn around specialist, a game changer with high revenue & turnover history, a high performer as Satya Nadella or the likes, its literally the retirement age in the software world and its curtains for you.

What to do now : Is it the end of the road?

The best thing to do as an SOS is to bring down your salary to National Median income. Lets say if you decide to become a teacher, you will have zero threat and fears & lesser competition for your salary. Initially you will feel terribly humiliated & depressed to drop yourself from the peak of your career to a trough. All that time, when you were so much in control, much ahead of your peers, luck was by your side, all those long term deputations abroad will haunt you.

Even the universities or the school will grill you for such a dramatic change in the career path with no academic experience. The people around you, the small town atmosphere, non corporate, blue collar everything. You will have to shun your extravagant lifestyle; the only silver lining will be that your painful tax outgo will drastically reduce & you will have the "free time" to experiment with how you can turn your passion into a living (for example blogging, writing & training) & get set on the path of entrepreneur-ism.

Life is not worth learning multitude of skills all at the same time; languages, architecture, program management, processes, delivery, people and all that BS and the irony is that even after that & so much experience you have to sell yourself to companies to go back to rat race and lick boots of your bosses. Moreover none of those people are going to be at your side when you are in crisis.

So I would rather be a freelancer, a trainer, a professor, entrepreneur or if nothing I could wait tables at a restaurant, or become an admin in a university or take up farming and live way below my means & pursue my passion all day, all night long after 40s.

This is what the essence of life is "Change". Things change, seasons change, time change, people change and everything changes. This is what humanity is all about. Fight, struggle, adjust to change & hope for betterment. Those who remain in comfort zone are left behind.

It is not the strongest nor the most intelligent of the species that survive, but the ones who are most adaptable to "change" that survive.



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